Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Drugs and Stress

When we are underpressure and stress we take the alternative of drinking alcohol or using durgs to calm down or just to relax and "having fun". But these is a wrong way to relax or deal with the pressure that collge gave you. Most of the college students smoke because of the pressure or the stress that they got from their classes. Below are the effects of the alcohol and most drugs used:
Alcohol goes directly into the bloodstream, physically affecting the whole body. Some illnesses and health problems casued by alcohol include:
  • Hangovers
  • Weightgain
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Depressed immune system
  • Cancer (colon, stomach, pancreas and lung)
  • Liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer of the liver)
  • Alcohol Poisoning
  • Heart or respiratory failures

Nicotine-cigarretes(most used)
Physical Effects- rapid heartbeat, incrase blood pressure, shortens of breath and a greater likehood of colds and flu. Can increase the risk for lung, heart dissease, stroke and cancer in mouth and neck. The people that have this habit have bad breath and yellow teeth.

Other Drugs
  • Methampletamine
  • Marijuana
  • Ketamine
  • LSD
  • Inhalants
  • Heroin
  • GHB
  • Exstasy (MDMA)
  • Depressants
  • DXM
  • Cocaine and Crack
  • Esteroids
  • Amphetamines

If you want to now the effects and dangers of these other drugs you can visit:



Monday, February 9, 2009

Stop Stressing....

Just Relax, doing some exercise, joga, swimming, taichi, spa etc. You can explore and figure out what do you like for be relaxed.

Another one!

Stress Videos

The following video shows all kinds of reaction to a time of stress. I hope you enjoy

Stress Definition
Forces from the outside world impinging on the individual. Stress is a normal part of life that can help us learn and grow. Conversely, stress can cause us significant problems.
Stress releases powerful neurochemicals and hormones that prepare us for action (to fight or flee). If we don't take action, the stress response can lead to health problems. Prolonged, uninterrupted, unexpected, and unmanageable stresses are the most damaging types of stress.
(you can find more information at http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=20104)

Stress is something that we will always be in our lives and we need to know how to control and how to use it positively. We must find a way to download all the stress without hurting anything or anybody and less of ourselves. It's good to find methods of relaxation for such cases, stress is able to give much tention and help get a relaxing music, writting, cooking, knitting etc. There are many ways to handle the stress just need a deep breath and find a way to relax. Enjoy being in control of yourself.