Sunday, April 5, 2009


It is not enough to recognize the symptoms of stress, it is also important to know how to cope with stress in order to minimize the effects.
Change your attitudes and perceptions – you can’t change the external factors that cause stress but it is possible to change you attitudes and perceptions towards these situations.
Change the way you interact with your environment – Rather than working harder, try the following to help you to become more productive:
· Improve your time management skills
· Listen to feedback from your colleagues to help you improve
· Take assertiveness training
· Slow down and take a step back
Change the way your body reacts to stress- start exercising, reduce your caffeine intake, cut down on nicotine, avoid sugary snacks and make sure you get enough sleep.

Change your environment- organize your work area. Keep it clean.

Be realistic- on how long tasks take in terms of your time and the resources available to you.

Your expectations- Stress can often be as a direct result of our expectations of ourselves and others. A significant amount of stress can be experienced as a result of our relationships with other people.

For more information please visit this site:


  1. Coping with stress is a very important topic to understand especially being a college student. My way of coping with stress is by exercising and being organized. I have gotten in the habbit of going to class and then going to the gym before I start my homework because it give me a break from school work. If I dont do that it will sometimes set me off track and stresses me out more. Another thing I usually do is organize and clean my room before sitting down to do homework. I dont no why but it drives me crazy when things are messy while im doing homework. Sometimes its the littlest things that can reduce stress in your life but its deffinatly important to be aware of what those things may be! Great blog!

  2. This is a great blog to read, especially now when school is getting so busy with work because I have noticed that I've been pigging out on cookies, ice cream, brownies-anything not so good for me (at all) that is in my reach I will consume! Thanks for the great tips!

  3. Very informative, thanks. I have always been good at controlling my stress levels. But I have noticed that my sleep has been suffering in the past month or so. In fact I actually have beend doing some of the things you blooged about including taking a step back and reorganizing my time. Not everyone realizes how important stress management can be in one's life. Good blog

  4. Sometimes you can't get around stress but you can cope with it. I have noticed taking time to take a breather and possibly even re-arrange things will cope. I will admit that having an ice cold beer will do the trick too as I did just the other day after a long day.

  5. Good blog to read about, since school is coming to end and this is when students become most stressed. These are a lot of good ways to cope with stress, hopefully these will come in handy towards the end of this semester.

  6. With school, the Marines, and being a volunterr firefighter I put alot on my plate. I am constantly being stressed but luckly I have managed to keep it undercontrol. These are some great tips that helped remind me of things I need to do to help keep my stress levels down.

  7. Hi Yany,

    I appreciate your effort to help others in managing stress.

    I followed some stress management tips to relieve myself from worst situation of stress and anxiety. But I think one should have some support and self motivation to develop postive energy to beat stress. Developing good habits will also help in controlling stress.
