Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stress at Work!

Work, work, and work that’s all that you heard when you have a job. Some times is difficult to maintain yourself in calm with so many things to do with your boss pressure and colleagues. When I feel this courage and stress I try to calm down listen to instrumental music, go for fresh air, etc. Then when I’m calm I try to get the job done. But sometimes you don’t have time to calm down and is too difficult to find something to get the stress out. Here are some options that you can do:
1- Maintain you work area organized
2- Always try to have something relaxing around you (fountain, music, candles etc)
3- Establish priorities with the work that you have to get done (Rush work, Important work,
not that important, not important)
4- Take a walk if you needed

It is important to have the sources and the ways to calm down ourselves in a stress situation. So do what you have to do for having them.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What to do and what to eat?!!!

Every person liberate the stress in different ways. In the last post drugs and alcohol, we recognize that this is not the healthy way to deal with your problem but is the most used. We can find something that we like for relax our selves for example: When I'm understress or sad or mad i like to:
  • Write (poems, songs, though)
  • Go walk
  • Sing
  • Go outside breath fresh air
  • Play some sports (volleyball, baseball, basketball etc)

But some times I like to eat a lot of food and candies and this is not a healthy choice. Many people use the food (junk food) to calm down and this is bad for your health, body and mind. So I look about healthy relaxing foods and these is what I found:

Eat foods high in tryptophan
This amino acid helps the brain produce serotonin - a chemical that calms you down, and melatonin - a hormone that can make you sleepy. This means it's not only great for relaxing, it's also a natural sleep aid and can help with depression and seasonal affective disorder.

Try: Milk, Chiken, Eggs, Nuts, Rice and Cheese in particular Cheddar, Gruyere, and Swiss.

Healthier options: Turkey, Beans, Fish, Cottage and Ricotta cheese.

Eat foods that are high in carbohydrates
Eating a high-carbohydrate meal, about two hours before bedtime, will immediately increase the levels of serotonin in your brain.

Try: Potatoes, Cakes & Desserts, Ice-Cream and Chocolate.

Healthier options: Pasta, Cereal, Figs and Honey.

For more information you can visit: