Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stress at Work!

Work, work, and work that’s all that you heard when you have a job. Some times is difficult to maintain yourself in calm with so many things to do with your boss pressure and colleagues. When I feel this courage and stress I try to calm down listen to instrumental music, go for fresh air, etc. Then when I’m calm I try to get the job done. But sometimes you don’t have time to calm down and is too difficult to find something to get the stress out. Here are some options that you can do:
1- Maintain you work area organized
2- Always try to have something relaxing around you (fountain, music, candles etc)
3- Establish priorities with the work that you have to get done (Rush work, Important work,
not that important, not important)
4- Take a walk if you needed

It is important to have the sources and the ways to calm down ourselves in a stress situation. So do what you have to do for having them.


  1. I think these are very good suggestions. I like to go out for a walk or run when I get stressed. I also find that when I keep my work stuff organized I feel less stressed because I know where everything is and what I have to do.

  2. I am glad I read your blog. I am stressed out allll the time and I know it is bad for my health. I do go to the gym and listen to music. I should try going for walks though to just get mt mind off of things. One thing that I found that is a big stress relief for myself is coloring, I get so caught up in what I am doing I don't even think about the things that stress me out. But I think I am going to try 3 and 4. Thanks!

  3. I loved your blog. My job is really stressful so you really put waht i should do to calm down in perspective for me! thanks!
